Thursday, April 21, 2011

Increase Bra Size

Is there a way to increase bra size without increasing dress size? I want bigger boobs, but I don't want a bigger butt. Can I make my breasts grow without getting fat? Do I have to get breast implants to get a bigger bust? Having children ruined my boobs, how do I make them bigger like they used to be? The older I get, the lower my breasts sag, is there anything I can do?No matter how you phrase it, women everywhere are wishing they could increase bra size without surgery, and without gaining a whole lot of weight all over. Sure, eating fatty foods and drinking soda will increase your bra size. It will also increase your everything else size,...

How to Measure Bra Size the Correct Way

This article will show you how to measure bra size that as a mom you can pass on to your daughters and your friends. At every stage of a woman's life, from teenager to working woman, to mom, their breasts can fluctuate in size. These size differences for the most part will be ignored, as 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size.After doing some research on the subject, I found out I have been wearing the wrong bra size for a while. I am no longer a teenager and have grown with age, as we all do.Determining bra size is actually an enjoyable act, as when you get your bra size just right, it can make you look like you have lost 10 pounds, and...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Breast Shape Affects Bra Size

Traditional Bra Measuring May Not Tell Your Correct Cup Size!Why does breast shape affect your cup size?Let me tell you a little story about a special lingerie boutique called Rigby & Peller which holds a Royal Warrant by the Queen of England (June Kenton is the Royal Corsetiere there).Curious about what I would find behind Rigby & Peller's wall to wall wooden drawers housing luxurious lingerie, I asked what they had for someone who wears a 36A. "Love, you could never be a 36A.""I was recently measured. I am a 36A," I said, knowing that I had been measured by a sales person at that pink lingerie store taking over the planet one mall at...

Your Bra Size Is Your Comfort Size

Most women view the bra as a necessary component to their daily wear. Developed from the corset in the 20th century, the modern bra has evolved to give women a choice of a variety of styles, brands and shapes to suit their desire. Bras can provide support and comfort, or simply be worn to compliment the outfit that a woman is wearing. Women should consider comfort as important a factor as style when selecting a bra to buy.Some studies estimate that up to 80% of women wear an incorrect bra size. If you wear an ill-fitting bra you risk not only struggling through a day of discomfort but also skin irritation and possible rash...

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